Sunday, October 30, 2011

Extreme Pumpkin Carving

If you've never heard of extreme pumpkin carving, this link has some great examples. However, please refrain from looking at it until you've looked at my pumpkin so that mine doesn't look so bad.

I have been wanting to try extreme pumpkin carving since I first saw the infamous Predator Pumpkin, but I've been too scared to try it. I've never sculpted or carved anything before, but I'm content with my first attempt at it.

Now, this might look like the Creature from the Black Lagoon, but it was actually supposed to be Cthulu. Fortunately, my wife and her younger sister inadvertently helped my pumpkin look more like Cthulu with their pumpkins.

Kimberly was going for some weird geometric design that ends up looking like R'lyeh. And in case that didn't make it clear enough that this was Cthulu, the viewer would look at my wife's pumpkin and say "Oh, now I get it, that's Cthulu's flying cat!" Cause if Cthulu was going to have a pet cat, it would have wings.

Below is a couple of views of hastily carved wings and my original concept art.

Ok, now you can go look at that link.


  1. I have no idea who Cthulu is, but your pumpkin is quite impressive!

  2. Ross, that's amazing, and the likeness is uncanny.

  3. "please refrain from looking at it until you've looked at my pumpkin so that mine doesn't look so bad."

    Are those even pumpkins!? lol. This is awesome. I love yours! We still just do good ol' fashioned triangle face pumpkinks :P Someday we'll have to branch out and do cool pumpkins :D

    Love the wings on that pumpkin that is really cool.

    Just so you know I definitely can't carve anything. I tried to carve a dog in art class once and it looked like a truck. The teacher gave me a C in the class even though he said he was grading on effort :P
